
These are some of the resources we use to do our science.

Public Databases

antiSMASH | identify biosynthetic gene clusters in a DNA sequence

SDBS | searchable collection of spectral data for small organic molecules

GNPS | collection of MS/MS data from diverse sources

NCBI | repository for biomedical and genomic information

JGI/IMG | microbial genomes and metagenomic datasets

SMBP | collection of tools for secondary metabolite bioinformatics

NotVodoo | tips, tricks, and cautionary tales for organic chemists

npatlas | interactive database of microbial natural products

ACS DOC | compilation of useful links for organic chemists


EFI-EST | generate a sequence similarity network from a list of protein sequences

ExPASy | collection of tools for predicting the properties of a protein sequence, including ProtParam

XCMS | identify differences between sets of MS data

MASST | search for MS/MS fragmentation pattern in public datasets

HHPred | predict structural homology of a protein sequence

BLAST Tools | basic local alignment search tools for different databases: NCBI, EMBL-EBI, IMG/JGI, UniProt

InterPro | identify domains in a protein sequence

Useful Reference Infographics

Top 200 Drugs | posters with the structures of top grossing pharmaceuticals

CompoundChem | posters explaining everday chemistry